From The Bullpen

About From the Bullpen

FROM THE BULLPEN is Dr. Jack Mantione’s corner on the web where he shares important issues in sports, exercise and weight training facing our youth, adults, amateur and professional athletes. “I understand your pain, injuries and frustrations because I have been in the same place with many of the same pains and nagging injuries.  I had to conquer my own chronic pains and injuries in both sports and exercise in order to help others conquer theirs.”  Dr. Jack will share his "outside the box" thinking and solutions on avoiding the "at risk" positions in weight training and exercise and the injury-free alternatives, how to train around injury as well as sports therapies that can assist in reversing today’s pain and injury epidemic. Contribute in your own way by sharing FROM THE BULLPEN, sending in questions and creating helpful information too… "Prevention is the GYM we must train in and the FIELD we must play on." —JM